NJPWは世界の架け橋 (A Bridge of NJPW to the World)



The First Match: A Pro-Wrestling Lover Couple Start a Blog☆

Hi, Im Choro.

I have started a blog with my husband, Rocky! (^^)


I am writing this article with a book “how to start a blog” in my hand. The reason why I start this blog is because that pro-wresting made my life enrich and I would like everyone to know what the pro-wrestling is, especially NJPW.


I’m newly married to Rocky this year Pro-wrestling is the one which brought us together. We used to go and watch pro-wrestling matches and discuss about them. Upon talking with him, I started to feel like sharing attractions of pro-wrestling with people in the world.

What we first did was starting a pro-wrestling club in local and this blog is the 2nd idea!


I believe there will be some difficulties especially English as it is not my native language and grammar is the last thing I like(;'') so… please go easy on me.


By the way…

We are thinking to do some unique approaches on this blog.

1.    Writers are both Rocky and Choro.

2.    We write articles both in Japanese/English and update alternatively

3.    We collaborate with members of pro-wrestling club and youtubers


As this is our first article, we introduce ourselves here but from next one, we freely write about pro-wrestling at our own pace. (^^♪


We hope a lot of people see this blog and get to like the pro-wrestling. (^_-)-.


Who we are…

Rocky (Age: 37)

Office worker in Tokyo and have 32 years of fan history of pro-wrestling

Favorite Promotion:  New Japan Pro-Wrestling

Favorite Wrestler: Tetsuya Naito

(He was a big fan of Riki Choshu. He bawled his eyes out at Choshu’s first retirement match at Tokyo Dome. ( Д`))


Choro (Age: 33)

Office worker in Tokyo and have 2 years of fan history of pro-wrestling

Favorite Promotion: New Japan Pro-Wrestling

Favorite Wrestler: SANADA

(My second favorite wrestler changes frequently…Rocky calls me a cheater.)



Let’s call it a day!
