NJPWは世界の架け橋 (A Bridge of NJPW to the World)



The 3rd Match: How to Enjoy the Pro-wrestling (For Beginners)②

Buenas noches!

Hi, I’m Choro. (^^)!


Have you seen the NJPW matches held in Osaka a few days ago?

There was a big surprise!

Hiromu Takahashi came back to NJPW!!

He had been sidelined by neck injury for 16 months.

As we both love Los Ingobernables de Japón, one of a stable based on NJPW, this news made us crazy! We were too excided to stay calm at that night. ( ゚Å゚;)


Now, let’s get down to the main topic. 

② Find you favorite wrestler (or stable) (^_-)-

Face, body, fighting style, technique, oral performance etc… please root them once you find their advantages. I also would like you to know what you are seeing now is not the only their attractions. I strongly recommend that you learn their history because pro-wrestling is not just a fighting sports.


There are several milestone-matches throughout a year, and it is possible that your favorite wrestler loses the game. However, please do not judge his success by wins and losses. We want you to keep watching him and see how he brings himself up to win.


Nowadays, several main promoters have streaming services and you can see past matches on internet. Let’s image their future through the past. (^_-)-


Almost all promoter has their distinctive stables.

For example, in the case of NJPW, there are 5 stables.

  • Main
  • Suzuki-gun
  • Bullet Club
  • Los Ingobernables de Japón

Just like wrestlers, each stable has strong characteristics and there are people who support the stable itself.

Members of stable may be changed, sometimes it breaks up or splits up. Supporting individual wrestlers is of course interesting but I think that knowing stables’ history is also important to enjoy pro-wrestling more.


This is all for how to enjoy pro-wrestling②.

Please feel free to comment. (^^)/


In the end, I would like to introduce you our best friend, SHAKE.

He has a channel, “mousou pro-wrestling channel” on YouTube and streams videos.


He also loves pro-wrestling. (^^♪

He talks mainly about NJPW and very interesting. Please also watch him!...though his channel is only available in Japanese..


Let’s call it a day!